Pharmacy Management System – POS and Accounting
Overview of Pharmacy Management System, Point Of Sale and Accounting System:
Pharmacy management system is the web based system through which you can manage a pharmacy easily anywhere anytime. Pharmacy management system consists all the functionalities of customers, products, stock, purchase, sales invoice, booking sheet, accounting entries and control panel
In this pharmacy management system you can also generate report from our outstanding report generating module. In action you can generate as PDF, send email directly to anyone. You can also print document from here. If you want your report without header you can also generate from actions.
Features of Pharmacy Management System:
Here are some modules or features of our pharmacy management system;
Sales Invoices:
In sale invoices you can find all the sale reports of your products which are sold and added in pharmacy management system. Receiving invoices are also present this module.
Booking Sheets:
Booking sheets are actually the appointment sheets where you can find all the appointments of the patients. In booking sheets you can generate, open or print the sheet easily with a single click.
Accounting Entries:
In accounting entries you can generate, view or print out the receipts with brief details of the customers which are managed in your pharmacy management system. You can also view the cash vouchers of the customers.
In accounting entries of pharmacy management system software you can also check the expenses and cheques details. Accounting entries is one of the best module of pharmacy management system software.
You can also use the sales return and purchase return in accounting entries moreover journal entries.
Control Panel:
In control panel you add sales person or sales men. In control panel you can add medical manager, routes, area, discounts, define charges, cities, remarks, return remarks, users, terms and condition, bank account, work flow and much more.
Control panel is the heart of our pharmacy management system software. Broad and best module of pharmacy management system is control panel which contains all the important features which don’t exist in market if so then are very expensive.
In POS you can directly write name to search the invoice of specific person and you can also add unlimited reports here with the price and discount properly. You can directly print out the report with a perfect manner.
Customers module is only developed to manage customers through which you can create customers list, you can easily assign price groups and the best thing in this module that you can assign areas. You can save record of customers with brief detail as long as you want.
Products is not only a single module for adding products, it has a lot of sub modules with best filter only because of variations in medicines and other products. Sub modules of products are categories, formations, flavours, companies, suppliers, bonuses, opening balance.
In categories you can multiple categories of medicines and products, You can add multiple formation brands because every medicine has it’s own formation brand. Some medicines and products are available in market with different flavours So, in flavours module you can add multiple flavours to specify the medicine or product.
In companies you can add companies, this is most important module because there are many companies available in market so it’s very important to specify the medicine with their company names. Every medicine company has it’s own supplier with cities, You can also add multiple suppliers in this to keep the record with their brief record. Opening balance handles only the balance.
In stock you can add or view the stock record like if you’ve medicines available you don’t have to check one by one just search out your product or medicine in stock. There are sub modules in stock are near expiry, exceeded margin, expired and transactions.
In near expiry you’ll find the medicines are near expiry so you can automatically figure out of this problem because in data entry you’ve to add the products with their expiry date and manufacturing date so this module will show near expiry automatically. In exceeded margin you’ll find the medicines which are exceeded or low in stock. In expired you’ll find the medicines which are expired so you can separate them after getting here. In transactions you can find, view or add the transactions of the medicines and products.
Purchase module only manages the purchase actions, purchase order, purchase invoice and pending stock-in are also the sub modules of purchase in which you can view or add the purchase order, purchase invoice and pending stock-in. It’s all about purchase.
Demonstration Videos of Pharmacy POS Software:
- There many modules which are not discussed here but great in functionality and features because it’s very difficult to brief a software and it’s quality with content.
- Demo or trial version of pharmacy management system is available you can contact and get anytime.
- Control panel has a lot of functionalities and features which are vast and can’t be mentioned here.
- You can manage a pharmacy with this web based pharmacy management system anywhere anytime.
- Buy hosting and domain and you can buy branded or bulk SMS to enhance your company profile.
Buy Pharmacy Management Software
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